Adult Piano Lessons

You wanted to play piano all your life, but never had a chance to do it while being a child. Now you have a great opportunity to take adult piano lessons at our music school! At Wind of Change Academy Academy we offer fun, entertaining and professional Adult Piano Lessons. The lessons are private one-on-one instructions. We are located in Jacksonville Beach (14180 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville,  32250) and in Mandarin (10365 Hood Rd S, Jacksonville, FL 32257). We were surprised how many adult people in our Jacksonville and Ponte Vedra community want to learn how to play piano. 30 % of our students are adults!  We offer adult piano lessons for students of all abilities. You pick your schedule, how often you want to take your lessons, the songs you want to learn!

Call to schedule Introductory Lesson: We offer 30min Tryout at discounted priceadult piano lessons

(904) 452 3916 – feel free to text as well

or e-mail us with any questions:

We have NO Contract and NO Registration Fee

No Piano? No Problem! We rent out keyboard to take home to practice for $1 a day

You can go Month-to-Month (have the same day/time every week or Lesson-to- Lesson (have different  day/time every week)

Do you need a Piano Tuner? Call Us and we will refer you to a good one!

Advantage of Adult Piano Lessons vs. Taking Piano Lessons as a Child:

Being an adult piano student you have several advantages. First you have high motivation and it is very easy for you to study notes. Second – you have physical and mental  strength to practice! Our Adult Piano Lessons program is designed to fit anybody’s schedule: we offer classes in the morning, early afternoon and evenings during a week and Saturday.

We will work with your job schedule, you can have lessons in a different day every week or even twice a month or ones a month: what ever works for you! We understand how difficult it is to work and take lessons and we can appreciate it!

adult piano lessonsOur teachers make sure they adjust your program to your interests. Of course, at first you start with playing very easy songs, but if you practice on a regular basis, very soon you will be able to progress into the songs that you want to play: classical or popular, country or jazz. The choice is yours. We will be able to provide complimentary any sheet music of your choice.

We will start you with 15 min or 30 min initial lesson to see if you like our piano teacher/teachers. And after that you can take 30 min ones or twice a week, or 45 min or 60 min lessons. If you need faster results and you would like an instance course of piano, you can also take  lessons more than twice a week, we have a special discounts for that.

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